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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2013 7:30pm-8:00pm EST

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well about your take my take live phone lines are now open so if you want to share an opinion make a comment ask a question live on the air give us a call at two o two nine zero four twenty one thirty four and mark neal and sam been kind enough to stick around their takes on your questions and comments so the first caller of the night tom in san diego thanks for watching hey dummy. this question is for the
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panel ok i don't know your name i just watch all right all right just for the panel two things ok i'll gun control ok. and i for lack of better term i have to name the first one is mandatory liability insurance for gun ownership and the second one is certificate of responsibility making a registered gun owner response for any and all crimes that is that gun commits ok tom thanks a lot for the call this is what tom is doing is a variation on what i my suggestion for gun control which is that we should deal with guns the same way we started dealing with cars in the one nine hundred twenty one hundred thirty when we realized that they can go fast enough to kill people and that is register the car from the time it's made to the times destroyed have liability insurance cheap minimal liability insurance so i mean i just find it so ironic that if those twenty kids in newtown had been killed by a speeding car geico would be paying out a million bucks each one of their families but because they were killed by bullets they're going to get nothing and then the operator has to show proficiency has to
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have a driver's license a shooter's license market. first of all the the vehicle is a little it's not exactly the same because of a owning a car driving a car is not a constitutional right second amendment gives the right to bear arms one of our roads are mentioned in article one section eight of county have the roads are but you don't have a right to use the road you have a right to use the road you have a general under numerate a right to travel but do you have a right to use road yeah you have a right to use the road but so the right to bear arms is specific to the right to bear arms for all of fide it's in order to have a well regulated militia and we only carry on that i see it if you'd like but you know all that study means to you that they are equipped as regulars have the idea but i think the private sector should offer it i don't think you should have to do it but if you don't have the insurance you're liable to a tort suit anybody can sue you if you use a gun they are also criminally your criminally liable and there are already against a lot of sugar penalties for the second thing i didn't quite understand but i don't really ended i don't understand about registering firearms to begin with so i probably would disagree with you but i didn't catch the whole thing in the second part of the question i think we need to get to gunmakers and sellers being held
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liable for the products they're making it as tobacco companies were held liable in the late ninety's for the products they were make you now have to fund an anti smoking ads for the next twenty years as a result of it it going to fact be. jurors were held liable when their products are used to kill people then they wouldn't be so gun ho started about their products why is it to get all the saturday right because when i buy the trial lawyers association that's what it was about pride actually or why should they be penalize if i shoot somebody that's on me that's a personal decision i make the fact that the gun went off fired the bullet and it went where i put it that means the gun manufacturer made a good product and if a five year old picked up the gun and killed in their five year old and the technology to have trigger locks was had was there all along in the gun manufacturers decided not to use it just like car manufacturers decided not to put on seatbelts or tobacco manufacturers decided to make cigarettes that continue to burn even when they weren't being done and so couches caught on fire i mean you know congress or doesn't arrive in the chamber yeah exactly congress in two
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thousand five absolve gun makers of all liability merely want to put last word will take the next call i just think it's dangerous any time you touch gun rights because it is something that specifically mentioned in the bill of rights yes yes hold sacred i don't want to damon in columbus ohio a damn about taxes. or. a little guy. they all want to do it oh. ok yeah thank you damon for the call taxes actually did go up for working people people making under one hundred thirteen thousand dollars because they had gone down temporarily for a year was it a year or two years it was two to two years yeah i think obama kept the promises he meant to keep. yeah i mean you know federal income tax didn't go up what happened was that there was a two year suspension just daman see you know what happened we've all been paying
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what is this five point six percent six point two percent so whatever it is so we can talk about the payroll taxes payroll tax into into social security and for two years they dropped that by two percent the amount that we pay into that i disagreed with it because it actually hurt the social security trust fund i think was a bad idea so it went back to where it was so if you recently got a job it looks like you got to pay then you're also taxes on taxing all those white twenty something taxes through obamacare or most of those have people making over a quarter million dollars not the tax on tanning tom if you're if you're if you're using i think this is already going to mean is the whole that's not going to kill us to some of us sam success they'll start this is the whole or does it ridiculous thing about this fiscal cliff debate is all the lawmakers oldtimer saying we're going to stop the middle class we're going to hit with taxes and of course the middle class are the ones who got hit with taxes yes it was a payroll holiday but there could have at least been something put on the table to replace that tax cut or somehow not have working people get hit. reduce overall
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income tax as he likes to have thing was it was a dangerous gimmick that damaged the system and i thought it was in when people brought up that point they were criticized because they didn't want people to have forty dollars for pizza on a friday let's judy in upper darby pennsylvania you have a call about medicare. yes i have actually like to talk about a lot of things but i feel that congress senate specially the time to crack coward i feel that the president should have been out there fighting for medicare on the t.v. . programs because it is devastating to the hiring and to the jobs for the taxpayer to pay out for. industry has to pay for it by going to medical i don't know how are you now i'm so tired i'm right i want you to i to i'm trying to understand you're saying are you suggesting that the president should have been fighting for medicare to be basically a public option be part of obamacare or i think it's should have been medicare for
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. care right ok so you want to single payer health for medicare part d. medicare for about i got it thank you very much for that i so it's going to fuse but basically this this blog is about to go off the just the solar bomb of care or is it is this crazy system that in five to ten years everybody will just be in a single payer i agree vermont going to kick it off something major happens i think we will see a single payer system obamacare one of the main problems with it and not just ideologically and i don't think it'll work is that it creates so much uncertainty in my opinion that both in the near term and the far term and that uncertainty when businesses don't know how much it's going to cost to hire somebody and i think we can agree on this they don't hire people as readily so i don't agree with single payer but i think that's where we're headed i think obamacare is confusing it's hard to implement and i don't think it's going to cure any uncertainty that the market has been that i really like about obamacare as the twenty fourteen or twenty sixteen states can just do their own yeah and the law has already passed the law of montana wants to so i think i think you're going to get what you want to say to go
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say i think it's inevitable too but i don't think it's because of some secret ploy obamacare that was set up i think it's inevitable because we created such a health care crisis in america by letting the for profit corporations run it for so well and they'll be hundreds of thousands are going to be just like your kratz that will be working these different exchange and it's going to say this is going to be more sketchy one tried it it worked really well and people in other states or other provinces said we want that too i think one of the last guys it is a beacon of freedom and it is and i think when vermont. well here it comes up new york is going to want to see that we're going to want to do dennis in albany new york you want to talk about gun violence or via yeah i really enjoy your show thank you yes before we get to get rid of the second amendment right to bear arms isn't there a law that we can do for example controlling the weapon so they don't get a hand to pitch and also the way mainstream media right now is
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causing a lot of this to happen when these kids come home from school and turn on some of these programs to me some of these things should not even be on until after ten pm or midnight when the students or the kids should be asleep does that make any sense dennis thank you for the call. dennis is talking about or the veil of these other cultural things beyond just guns that we can do to stop gun violence is the decent this dissent this he says has a sense of this size so that people think and what happens is you know and i go i went through my own like army training you know you you go around shooting even with blanks in these sort of mock ups and all of a sudden it you know it's more reasonable to show more comfortable it becomes more comfortable i don't think video games or movies have anything to do with it i mean the same extremely violent movies are being shown all around the world the same video games are being played to even higher degree in other parts of the world that
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you don't see this sort of gun violence going on. but i think i mean i think where you can find common ground is some somewhere on universal background checks and i think you'll going to come out on the show today in support of one hundred percent background checks on gun purchases just because it's so reasonable megatron. coming to market and i think we have a violent society i think it's ingrained ever since sort of the wild west field it's nothing new we've always had violence obviously wasn't graphic because the technology and i think it's a problem i do think it's a promise i think something the government should get involved with now i think this comes down to the pair. and what they let their their children be exposed to the market will if people won't let their children see certain movies if they won't let them buy certain videogames those markets will dry up it won't be profitable to make them but i see it i think there is a connection between a violent culture and how people act but i don't think that. the criminal are really taking away from second amendment rights or a vast censorship program by the government is the answer here can pick up mark in clearwater florida on extension ninety seven. there are you know a guy
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a mark the banks are calling you want to talk about freedom. yeah yeah you know the word gets thrown around. you know if we have another regulation we're going to lose our freedom you know what exactly does that mean because you're by apple our constitution we are not free we have a great free for a long time. one of these men can point to a crime where we actually were not appreciate very interesting question thank you mark for the markets freedom into you know absolutely we've never been one hundred percent free you can have any government without without giving up some freedom it would just be totally law of the jungle but the bottom line is that it's it is a limited document it limits the government it limits the federal government that's why the states demand of the bill of rights are we absolutely free no but we give up freedoms each time we creep away from what the constitution guarantees british read of the most important thing is the question i mean we've already accepted that yes we don't have unlimited freedom we've already made restrictions on freedom i mean where does equality fit is unequality extremely ill in israel well i think liberals and progressives don't fear
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a strong government because they control the government and that's part of the problem that we talk about freedom a lot of us just don't want to be free don't want to be told what to do to me means that if i get sick i'm going to have access to health care if if i try starting a business in a fails i'll have aca access to bankruptcy laws and you know that if i'm homeless or is destitute that that somehow i will get caught that safety net when then standing on that spot i can go out and start businesses and. i think freedom means a certain minimum amount of the commons but you know we got to go so thanks a lot mark neal sam really appreciate it but that's it for your take my take alive thanks for all your calls we didn't get your call tonight tries back next week. going up as president obama heads the inaugural balls tonight what will top congressional republicans be up to the lady secretly plotting that of sabotage the president's second term in office i'll tell you that i'd still eat a. little worse if your goal is to. wipe out super the.
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radio guy minestrone click it. because you've never seen anything like good on trial. let me let me i want to wouldn't let me ask you a question. here on this network is what we're having a debate we have our knives out. the truth is this right it was just a bad thing never again we're in a situation where b. and i didn't agree to talk about surveillance me.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok. i'm time her welcome to the big picture.
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at all come back today we also honor the reverend dr martin luther king jr fitting tribute as the nation's first african-american president is sworn in for the second time and obama did not let dr king's legacy and contributions go unmentioned during his inaugural address the south. we the people declare today that the most evident of truths that all of us are created. is the staun that guides us still just as it guided our forbearers through seneca falls and selma and stonewall just as it guided all those men and women song and on song who left footprints along this great mo to hear a preacher say that we cannot walk alone to hear a king proclaim that our individual freedom is inextricably bound to the freedom of every soul on earth. and well president obama's ascendance to the highest office in
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the land is without a doubt a consequence of martin luther king's jr's legacy the nation would be better served if both president obama and the rest of our democratic leaders acted a little more like dr king today we should remember that dr king was a radical revolutionary who marched and spoke out against war against wealth inequality and against the evils of unfettered capitalism he was also a strong defender of organized labor in fact he was gunned down while supporting a striking sanitation worker a group in memphis a union dr king wasn't just or an attempt to unionize dr king wasn't just focused on racial justice but economic justice as well and a nation plagued by wealth inequality mired in endless wars abroad and an increasingly hostile war against organized workers at home. our nation desperately needs a voice like dr king again. it's
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the good the bad of the very very hot valley and show is slowly ugly the good president obama of course president of course was sworn in earlier today is the forty fourth president of the united states in his speech the president touched on a variety of issues from immigration to el g.b.t. equality and even climate change they told us. it is now our generation's test to carry on what those pioneers begin. for our journey is not complete until our wives our mothers and daughters can earn a living equal to their efforts our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law i for if we are truly
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created equal then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well our journey is not complete until no citizen is forced to wait for hours to exercise the right to vote our journey is not complete until we find a better way to welcome the striving hopeful immigrants who still see america as a land of opportunity to rise let's hope that over the course of the next four years our nation works to complete that journey and that we continue fighting for principles like equality the right to vote and the ability to go to school without the fear of becoming a victim to senseless acts of gun it's the bad senator john barrasso interviewed on c.n.n. state of the union this weekend the republican senator told candy crowley that gun safety is not a major issue in america today here's what brasso had to say when asked if congress would pass universal background checks and limits. an ammunition magazine it's. congress would pass a ban on those clips if with can and
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a universal background check is not going to happen no no i don't think it will and candy that gets beside the major issues that face american families. on the eve of debt and spending that's where people are are focused that's the big anxiety of this country should maybe senator barrasso should try telling that to the millions of american parents who are now worry about the safety of their children in school or the relatives and loved ones of the more than one thousand americans who have been killed by gun violence just since the newtown massacre. and the very very ugly rush limbaugh's radio show friday limbaugh tried to advance the pro-gun agenda by tarnishing the civil rights movement limbaugh said quote if a lot of african-americans by are going to search through their guns in the late or i do years them for self the friends who think they were donated so much i don't know i'm just asking if rep john lewis who says he was beat up side the head of john lewis without
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a gun would have been beat up side the head on the bridge. the beauty of the american civil rights movement was that it preached progress through nonviolence and by the way that approach ultimately worked by arguing that those who fought for equality could have done so better with guns limbaugh has completely discredited the hard work and struggle that so many went through in order to change america actually he hasn't completely discredited it he's completely discredited himself in trying to discredit it and that is very very. as soon as the second inaugural of barack obama was finished the newly re-elected president walked back into the u.s. capitol and sat down behind an ornate ochre or at least look like
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a desk to sign some papers. now it was mostly a photo op but there was some rather substantive legislative business to attend to namely the nomination of four cabinet posts which the president had to officially sign his name on to his right he was flanked by joe biden harry reid and chuck schumer and to his left and see palosi and stiffen awkwardly smiling john boehner and the cameras flashed the papers are signed the president rose to embrace his fellow leaders in government it was a message to the country everything is just by look we're all cooperating and governing together so you. except for this guy eric cantor he was also there and one of the most important things we've learned over the last four years watching eric cantor lead the insurgent republican party is that things aren't just fine. four years ago inaugural day as the new president barack obama was making the
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rounds of the inaugural balls with his wife eric cantor had gathered powerful members of the republican party at up still steak house in washington d.c. in the penn quarter neighborhood in a private room in a restaurant called the caucus room their agenda was straightforward sabotage the american economy blame it on the young president and then retake the white house in four years paul ryan who four years later would replace the vice president would be chosen to play replace the vice president and thus fulfill this agenda was also in attendance at night as was newt gingrich. and one of only two people who are elected newt gingrich and frank luntz and over a dozen prominent republicans including kevin mccarthy the number three republican in the house of representatives jim de mint now heading up the heritage foundation but the senator and john kyl the republican senator from texas as robert draper
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discloses in his book do not ask what good we do inside the u.s. house of representatives republicans at that meeting committed themselves to what i would call political treason and unwavering opposition to the coming obama presidency every single legislative priority coming out of the white house they agreed would be vetoed obstructed filibustered or sabotaged this also meant forcing the american middle class into basically an economic suicide pact our economy at that time when they had that meeting was hemorrhaging seven hundred fifty thousand jobs a month and was in desperate need of prolonged government intervention and stimulus . by vowing to block these federal law lifelines which by the way they had all voted for twice during the bush administration just months before but by vowing to block them going forward with obama as president these republicans knew that they
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were condemning millions of americans to joblessness poverty homelessness and suicide but the prospects of stopping the obama revolution in his tracks and reclaiming government on behalf of reagan's billionaire class in their mind was worth whatever means were needed to achieve it congressman kevin mccarthy reportedly told fellow fellow republicans of the meeting that they must quote show a united unyielding opposition to the president's economic policies congressman pete sessions said that republicans should take on an insurgency mindset as in the taliban in fact to use that phrase. and on my radio show new game bridge confirmed that he was at the meeting and justified this insurgent mentality pete sessions actually wrote for for the national journal but that you guys decided that you were going to become the taliban insurgency he said you have to understand we will
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become the insurgency i think insurgency is a mindset the taliban taught us this we need to understand that insurgency is going to be required when dealing with the other side and you were quoted in the book as saying that. after this dinner you'll remember this is the day the seeds of two thousand and twelve were sown is that all accurate plan party line the first or taliban i think is not a term i would have used because they're terrorists so were you guys insurgents against the obama presidency well the fact is not the opposition party ought to sit down and try to figure out how to get back in power and that's why they're the opposition party we know the republican lawmakers followed through on their plot house republicans unanimously voted against every noteworthy piece of democratic legislation and senators de mint kyle coburn and sitting corker were all at that meeting combined together to filibuster over three hundred bills in the senate together these men crippled our economic recovery and thus won big victories in the
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house of representatives in two thousand and ten but ultimately they failed at their number one goal which is making barack obama a one term president and so here's eric cantor four years later after plotting the first conspiracy against the president at another inaugural ceremony and again on the receiving end of an exaggerated handshake from barack obama who was still the president we know the president has a busy night ahead of him attending inaugural balls and such. but what's eric cantor up to tonight which republican operatives are gathering right now in smoke filled private dining rooms at upscale d.c. steak houses plotting the destruction of the president's second term. who knows what we do know is that despite the republican shellacking last november something is afoot on the right their commitment to achieving one party rule for the billionaire class remains absolutely unshaken and though president obama may no
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longer be their sole target the american middle class still is you can see it on the state level as michigan's shocking descent into becoming a right to work for less state which will break up the unionized political base of the democratic party there's the attempt of pennsylvania republicans to change how their state doles out electoral college votes so republican presidential candidates will have a huge advantage in future national elections even when the majority the people of pennsylvania vote against them and of course as a result of the supreme court's citizens united decision the likes of karl rove sheldon adelson and the koch brothers are learning from their mistakes last november and will continue their efforts to steal future elections the billionaire class and its front men in the republican party are hard at work again just as they were four years ago today we saw the second democratic president since f.d.r. to have a second inaugural but just underneath the revelry conspiracies abound in the billionaire class won't rest until they're assured that what happened today never
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happens again. and that's the way it is tonight monday january twenty first twenty thirteen and don't forget the mockers he begins you get out there get active tag your seat. there are twelve cities in the united states in which half of the people with hiv aids lives within a year of a diagnosis of. over six to two percent on. the list with this is a problem that frankly is substantially preventable it was like the big elephant in the room and nobody wanted to talk about it there were really good public health campaigns that people were really focused on this problem you know you certainly should be able to hold a lot less h i feel a lot less human suffering. download
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